Comment at January 12 School Board Meeting

Good evening. My name is Terri Novaria and I live at xxxxx.

I am here to express continued concern that the lack of depth in our new science curriculum will not adequately prepare our students for success in college science - NOT JUST those preparing for careers in medicine or engineering, but other fields as well. An example of this would be someone aiming for a career as a physical education teacher, and required to take college level courses in physiology and kinesiology to achieve their goal. Ideally, these students would have made their four year plan for high school with their couselors directing them to the right path. Realistically, we know that most 16 year olds are not fully confident of their career path. If students don't make the right choice regarding their year 3 and 4 science study, they will enter college with only a "bare bones" knowledge in some areas of science under the new system. They will not be prepared for the level of study in many areas of science at the university level, let alone the competition with pre-med students they will find next to them in these classes. I feel that it is the job of the Portage Public Schools to equip students for success not just while in school, but beyond. I have serious concerns that the lack of depth in the approved changes in the science curriculum will not do this. By offering students the new course as a choice, not a requirement, we can continue to provide depth in science instruction for all students.

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