Flexibility in Science

An open letter to the Portage School Board from Melanie Kurdys

From: Melanie Kurdys
To: Mr. Tom Eddy, Dr. Kevin Hollenbeck, Mrs. Shirley Johnson, Mrs. Linda Lueth, Mr. Allan Reiff, Mr. Jerry Whitaker, Mrs. Ann Woolley
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2003 1:40 PM
Subject: Flexibility in Science

As you know, I have been working to understand your direction to the school administration regarding the implementation of the new science program. You asked that flexibility be available to make sure students could select the best approach for them.

There is significant inconsistency between your direction and the actions of the administration, which I discussed with Linda Leuth. However, since we talked, additional concerns have developed.

The schools have started course selection for freshman. In the presentation, the students are told to sign up as follows:

There is a list of "other" classes that are possibly available but not recommended. The form the students are given is pre-printed with the semester science classes already listed. There is no space to easily write-in a different choice. The documentation does not show that choices are available.

Now the administration has said that flexibility would be offered only if parents and students ask. This does not seem consistent with the intent of the Board direction. But worse yet, several parents told me that when they called to request alternatives, they were told that they must sign-up for the semester-based classes.

And most importantly, this pressure to select classes now is being done before the Parent Information Sessions scheduled in January. How can parents and students select classes when they do not have adequate information?

The inconsistency between the Board's direction and the administrations actions is very disconcerting and only fuels the frustration and belief that the administration intends to execute their plan with no consideration of parental concerns. Could you please evaluate this situation and intervene on behalf of the parents? These current forms are due this Wednesday, Dec. 10, so this matter is urgent

Melanie Kurdys

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